Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bugs. Ugh.

I was on my way to the kitchen this morning to turn on the coffee maker, carrying Alexis, mentally making a list of what I had to do this morning, and counting the still unpacked boxes in our living room - 4, when there, straight in front of me, on the left side of the still unplugged Ionic Breeze, I saw it.

And dead.

A cockroach. My heart sank as I saw it, though I was somewhat relieved it was in rigor mortis and not scurrying into some dark place. Shantih has been developing a panic reaction to spiders and ants, so I quickly shooed the girls into our bedroom before they saw it too and sent Mohnie in to clean up the evidence. All morning, though, every time I opened a drawer, cupboard or cabinet, I did so with caution.

This wasn't the first time since we've moved south that I've moved cautiously in anticipation of creepy crawlies. The fire ants are really treacherous down here. Shantih was bitten by one during our visit here in March. She will never kick a "pile of dirt" again. Actually, I really WISH that were true. Unfortunately, her persistence extends beyond wanting to play Dora, Snow Princess over and over again. Alexis was bitten at our local park the other day. I only realized it later that night. One got inside my shoe as well. Ouch. Now, I'm looking out for the hills wherever I go and getting tips from the locals on how to steer clear. Apparently, it's much worse after a rainstorm.

In any case, after making coffee and breakfast without any further appearances by Periplaneta americana Linnaeus, I systematically wiped every crumb off the counter and table; ran the disposal until it was absolutely clear; and vacuumed and vacuumed again. Shantih was excited to help at first but soon became exasperated by all the cleaning. I finally told her how I had seen a BIG bug on the carpet this morning and we needed to clean up really well. Food left on the counters might attract more bugs and that would not be good. She stared at me, pouted and despaired: Why did everyone block me from seeing the bug? I didn't get to see anything.

I can't win.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the joys of living in a Southern humid climate. I'd have thought you would have gained some immunity from living in Singapore, though...

    Whenever Reiko complains about the winters here, I can quickly make her happier by pointing out the bugs she hates more than the cold can't survive it.

