Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Emergency Centers

An Easter Sunday chocolate coma has put me a few days behind on the challenge!  It's time to pick up speed.  I struggled with what to write for 'E,' so much so that I briefly considered focusing this post on some of my most Embarassing moments since moving to Texas.  Settle down people!  I'm not quite ready to make the shift to 'Inappropriate' Oversharing.

So, I ask you what is the deal with all the stand-alone Emergency Rooms in the area? I pass five on my daily commute.  Some are affiliated with local hospitals such as St. Luke's and Methodist but others sport consumer friendly names like First Choice and Neighbors.  Every time I see ground prep for new construction, I gleefully dream about seeing the bones of an independent school being built--a school fostering creativity and allotting lots of time for free play . . . Sigh . . . I downgrade to an independent restaurant . . . a park? . . . a grocery store?! . . . anything but another medical center.  What do they know that we don't?  Does our community need special medical  attention due to an as-yet-unidentified environmental hazard? Are we a hotbed of accidental and violent injury?

Now, in the event that I actually do need emergency  help, my health won't be more only problem.  Analysis paralysis - Decision anxiety - WHICH one is best?

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